
I have always been into art, as far back as I can remember... when my artist grandmother gave me some paints and a canvas and asked me to "paint". I used to watch her create the most beautiful landscapes, flowers, watermills, just about anything.
I joined the Air Force after high school because I loved airplanes! I loved every day of my career, the travel the flying, the excitement of it all! And while serving my country. I had started painting nose arts on aircraft earlier in my career, hangar doors, ammo boxes, tool boxes etc,, but it wasn't until I was stationed at Castle AFB in central Ca. in 1990, that I realized my true calling. Everyday on my way to work I would pass the air museum and I would look out to those old planes and think "gee, someone should paint them". and wouldn't that be cool."
In 1994 before retiring I was asked to assist the museum before base closure (1995) and supervise the restoration efforts there. I was thrilled. I jumped right in and the first plane I really learned to paint was a B-17 bomber! By the time I left Castle in 1997, I had helped restore several aircraft, including the mighty B-52 and my favorite F-4E Thunderbird.
In 1997 I moved to Riverside and worked at the March Field Air Museum, where I supervised and restored over 35 aircraft. In 2005 I joined the Wings and Rotors Air Museum at French Valley Airport Murrieta where I work today and love every minute of it. Fortunately my boss and Director of the Museum Pat Rodgers, supports the work I do and allows me the non-paid time off to complete these projects.
It was in 1999 when I painted my first U.S. Navy H-60 Seahawk, donating my time, unaware of what it would lead to. I still paint them today and this site is primarily about them.

Scott Donnell-is my husband and helps on almost every aircraft. He is a master at preparation and doing layouts. We make a great team!

Shayne M. Meder MSgt USAF Retired

Who we are!
IRoxane Bond
Roxane and I go way back when we worked together at March. She has her A&P license and is an awesome painter. She also does art projects including dirt bikes, helmets and other stuff. She helps when she can, when she isn't busy with her toddler son at home. To see her work or hire her to paint something special for you -check her website here!
To find out how we work go to the Services tab!